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All Posts in Category: Concussion

Hidden trauma: improving long-term problems after concussion

The protocols around concussion in sports have really advanced in the past 10 years, especially considering new standards adopted and publicized by the NFL and other professional sports organizations. Following traditional concussion care, athletes can often benefit from chiropractic treatment.


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NY Times: Soccer Ball Heading May Cause Concussion Symptoms - Journal of Neurology

So back in 2015 it was all the rage and outrage among those of you in the soccer communities because US Soccer made a mandate to eliminate heading in ages 10 and under as prefaced by this older article on Link: From NPR: “Over a quarter of a billion people play soccer all […]

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Great Concussion information from our friends at Advanced Orthopaedic Centers of South Jersey

While cruising Facebook over the weekend, a great post from Advanced Orthopaedic Centers of South Jersey popped up on my feed, discussing a very relevant and hot topic right now, concussions, which are not just in contact sports like Football and Hockey, but in all walks of life. The striking note which really stands out over […]

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